Sabtu, 23 Februari 2019

Do Not Waste Money Anymore! Here’s How to Dye or Refresh Your Hair Without Exposing Your Hair to Harmful Chemicals!

You are probably spending a lot of money and expose your hair to harmful chemicals at the same time when you buy some hair dye from the market. Luckily, we have the best solution for you.

Just blend one egg, tablespoon of olive oil and tablespoon of nectar. Apply this mixture on wet hair and rub your scalp gently. Then, cover your head with shower top or towel and leave it on for about half an hour. Later, wash your hair as usual. Utilize little mellow cleanser and warm water.

Here’s another way! Nectar and cinnamon blend is absolutely stunning and can help your hair for a couple shades. Just blend four tablespoons of cinnamon powder, two tablespoons of hair conditioner and three tablespoons of nectar. Blend well until you get a homogeneous mixture. Then, apply this mixture on a clammy hair and brush your hair.

When you are done, wrap your hair with plastic wrap and leave it on for few hours, then flush it with cleanser. Keep the plastic wrap for at least 2 to 3 hours and the results will be absolutely amazing. If you remove the plastic wrap to early, the effects may not be visible.

Share this article with your family and friends and help them too if they have problems with their hairs. This solution is very useful and has helped many people. The best thing is that you will avoid all of the harmful chemicals from hair dye from market.


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