Senin, 18 Maret 2019

A Fast and Easy Way to Shed Some Pounds with This Japanese Morning Diet

As soon as the morning banana regimen was presented by Hitoshi Watanabe, it became a worldwide hit in his famous book “ The morning banana diet.”

This diet isn’t requiring any extreme circumstances. It just requires you to drink water at room temperature, and eat bananas in the morning. It doesn’t require any drastic changes in your diet.

Could this be that easy?

Of course, it can. Watanabe has been trying to lose weight in several ways and none of those have provided the expected effects. Together with his wife who was a pharmaceutist, he found a way to make his dreams come true and have the results he wanted.

The morning banana diet was created by the couple. It has been helping many people around the world to lose weight ever since.

It is very simple, as soon as you get up just have a banana, and drink a glass of water. Then don’t eat anything until lunch.

Bananas quickly stimulates the weight loss process because they are containing resistant starch. It is good because it goes directly to the large intestine, it does not ferment in the small intestine.
Therefore, it feeds the cells by converting into short-chain fat acids. It improves also the function of gastrointestinal tract.

The diet says that you should eat bananas until you feel full, but the Japanese people are avoiding overloading the stomach by following the rule of 80/20. This rule is very simple, it means that 80% of a meal goes for you and 20% goes for the doctor.

Eat the bananas raw, after you had the first banana, wait for half an hour and if you feel that you are still hungry have one more.

The consuming of water on room temperature is stimulating your metabolism.

This diet requires you to avoid alcohol and milk, and your last meal to be before 8 pm. Since sleeping leads to weight loss, try to go to bed before midnight.

For lunch and dinner eat whatever you so desire, between your main meals have some veggies and fruit.

The effects are possible only because the bananas, here is why:

  • Bananas keep you full and boost your metabolism
  • They are rich with fiber and potassium
  • They are very cheap, and an easy way to lose extra weight
  • They help you to reduce your cellulite
  • Bananas are considered to be a super food because they are full of nutrients and they can improve our health in many ways
  • They can reduce food craving

This diet will help you improve your health, limit your alcohol intake, energize your body, regulate your blood sugar and also it will boost the metabolism. People who have been on this regimen have reported wonderful effects, so why not give it a try?

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