Selasa, 08 Oktober 2019

Lose weight in two weeks with these 6 easy exercises!

Losing weight is a great challenge as it usually takes a long time to reach your ideal weight. However, a better understanding of your body will definitely help you along the way. Thus, we recommend 6 exercises that will definitely help you lose the extra pounds in the next 2 weeks. Exercising isn’t easy but it surely is rewarding!


One of the most effective fat-burning exercises is definitely jogging. When jogging,  a person can burn over 2000 calories in an hour. What’s more, you don’t have to go to the gym or need any equipment, expect for a comfortable pair of shoes. Once you start sweating, you start losing weight.


Swimming activates all muscles in the body. People who suffer from joint pain or similar issues will have no problem with swimming as the water takes the weight off the legs. It is the best activities you can do!

Climbing stairs

You may think this one is similar to walking but it’s way more intense. Climbing stairs burns energy mostly because you’re fighting gravity. It’s best to do this exercise in the morning. You’ll slowing start feeling the muscles in your calves becoming stiffer. The muscle pain with this exercise is inevitable, just fight through it.

Abdomen exercises

The hardest fat to burn is the abdominal fat. The good think is, abdominal exercises reduce the waistline as well. Always stretch your legs before doing the exercise. While lying on your back, put your hands under your head. Lift your legs as you’re taking a deep breath. Repeat 20 times.

Crunches are also a belly-flatting exercise. You start in the same position as in the previous one, lying on your back, but instead of lifting the lefts you lift the upper half. Try to touch your knees with your nose and don’t bend the knees! Repeat 20 times.


Aerobics can include anything from stretching, dancing, cardio, jumping to whatever exercise you prefer. When you start sweating, your body is releasing the heat and this way you know you’re burning the fat.


Cycling is a fun activity that you can do alone or with friends. Additionally, you get to change your surroundings and enjoy the wonderful views the world has to offer. Simply wake up early, get your bike, a bottle of water, and a towel and you’re set to go.


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