Minggu, 06 Oktober 2019

Prevent Heart Disease, Cancer and Obesity With These 15 Alkaline Foods

Junk and processed food change the pH levels in your body. As a consequence, there is a distortion in the immune system, which leads to health disorders like cancer, obesity and heart disease.

Originally, our bodies are alkaline, and it is our job to maintain that.

We highly recommend to consume the top 15 alkaline foods if you want to get your health and body back in shape.

The Best 15 Alkaline Foods on the Planet

1. Spinach

It can eliminate the free radicals, keep the heart strong and improve the memory. It can also stimulate the function of the brain. It contains niacin, zinc, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamins A, B6, C and K and it is low in cholesterol and fat.

2. Lemon

Lemon juice is able to reduce the risk of stroke and treat kidney stones. It can also help fight cancer and prevent high blood pressure and potassium. It contains riboflavin, copper, potassium, zinc, calcium and vitamin A, C, E and B6.

3. Quinoa

It helps the blood sugar and cholesterol levels in the body. It is rich in proteins and it contains twice the amount of fiber compared to the other grains. It is also rich in iron, lysine, riboflavin, magnesium and manganese.

4. Swiss chard

It helps with the blood sugar and improves the blood circulation and the heart health. It keeps the body away from free radicals, harmful bacteria and viruses.

5. Buckwheat

It improves the heart health, boosts the energy levels and prevents diabetes. It also keeps the body warm and it makes it great solution for the cold days in winter. It is also rich in protein, iron and vitamins.

6. Melon

It clears the toxins from the body and keeps you hydrated. Its pH value is about 8,5. The content of water is very high and for that it is excellent example for alkaline food.

7. Olive oil

It regulates the levels of blood sugar and reduces the heart disease risk. It is rich in antioxidants, monounsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E and it is recommended to add it in the diet.

8. Banana

If you like to lose some weight, then, you should include bananas in the diet. It balances the levels of blood sugar, improves the digestion and protects the heart. It is rich in nutrients and fiber, magnesium, B vitamins and potassium.

9. Flaxseeds

They keep the heart healthy, reduce the inflammation and control the hot flashes in menopause. They are alkaline food as they are rich in vitamin E, antioxidants and fiber. Use it on a daily basis by adding them in your food. You can also grind them to almost any meal.

10. Cauliflower

It has anti-inflammatory properties and boosts the health of the heart. One serving has 77% of the daily recommended amount of vitamin C. It is rich in vitamin K, manganese, thiamin, potassium, riboflavin and magnesium.

11. Avocado

It helps the nutrient absorption from the fruits and vegetables, makes the heart stronger and controls the cholesterol levels. It contains monounsaturated fatty acids, nutrients and fiber.

12. Grapes

Grapes reduce the hypertension and anxiety. It reduces the risk of mouth, endometrial, pancreatic, esophageal, colon, prostate and lung cancer due to the antioxidant content.

13. Carrot

It improves the thought process and the eyesight because of its content of beta-carotene that protects against the damage from the free radicals. It is rich in fiber, potassium, iron and vitamin B8, K, A and C.

14. Broccoli

It improves the blood circulation as it contains high amount of iron. It reduces the cholesterol levels, improves the bone health and keeps the heart healthy. It is powerful antioxidant that can fight cancer. It is rich in vitamin E, B6, C and K, potassium, copper and fiber. *Berries*

They improve the skin and they can slow down the process of aging. They keep a sharp memory and help with chronic health disorders. They are rich in antioxidants and fiber and improve digestion and reduce the risk of specific cancers.


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